Where we've been...

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

First step: Buenos Aires!!

Though I am said to be a convinced blog opponent, I could not have refused Matthias' invitation to write the first words from Argentina !!!

Thus, a few words from Buenos Aires where we landed on last Monday. Sun, heat, "chicas bombas" at each street corner: we enjoy every single minute our staying in this definetely latine city. However it must be borne in mind this is just the beginning...

We will share our first (art) pictures in a few days and we will commumicate our next step then. Do not hesitate to post any comments by then, we strongly expect them.

¡Hasta luego!
Matthiaso y Amancio.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Purééééééé cousin..
t'as sombré dans le BLOG, comme ça craint!! Vraiment tu deviens trop fashion toi depuis que t'es passé sur la rive droite.
Prochaine affectation, la creuse... ça va te réaligner le contact avec les réalités.
Pour les photos, envoyez nous seulement celles des Chicas estupendas (que l'on transmettra à Mémé après montage bien sur). Ca suffira grandement à notre culture.
Bonne route.

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